Of course, as polygons, neither the inside nor the outside figure will exactly match the circumference of the circle, but both will get infinitely close as you add sides. That was Archimedes’ thinking when he tried to pin down the value of π, an irrational number (a number that can’t be put in an exact fraction).
Much of what we do daily is, like pi, irrational. We would all have difficulty putting relationships in exact ratios. What do we say? “Well, he’s 3 to my 5.” “She’s definitely a 7 to my 11.” “Gosh, now that I think about it, I would say I am definitely 5/9 of our relationship.”
No, we can’t pin down relationships just as we can’t ultimately pin down pi. But we can use Archimedes’ method and reasoning to get close. Both polygons have to move toward each other, never quite meeting at the circumference of the intervening circle, but approaching a good approximation. That’s about all we can hope for in understanding human relationships, a good approximation arrived at after adding an indefinite number of sides.